Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Trevor is duly employeed

I was informed by phone, by a proud mother that her son is now working in the corn fields of Illinois. What a kid. They walk about four miles through the rows removing tassels from the the corn. Trevor was very excited about his first job. His mom said he came home from the first day so pooped out he went instantly asleep. She woke him for dinner. He ate and immediately went upstairs to sleep. This was a wise decision as he was to be back to the corn field at 5:30 a.m . I of course asked does he have dark glasses? Does he wear a hat and sunblock? The answer, yes plush long sleeved shirt, gloves and boots. Plenty of water was supplied. It is a good thing Trevor is in good shape from all of his sports. I was quite shocked that they could hire kids so young for such hard work but I guess it is common practice there among the many corn growers.

They pay them well,($7.50) per hour and if they do a good job and show up everyday, they get a two hundred and fifty dollar bonus at the end of the three week season. This will seem like great money to all the kids. The down side is they need them to work seven days a week. This will be rather grueling to say the least. Trevor is a very ambitious kid and asked me if he could work at McDonald's when he was three years old. Bryce, on the other hand has no interest in such endeavors. His grandpa back there asked him if he was going to work in the corn when he got old as Trevor, (12). He said, "No I just don't think that is for me." He is a comical little kid. Larena said he wants to make sure he can live at home until he is 35.

Speaking of working kids my grand nephew , Brandon, who always liked to draw cartoon figures from the time he was little now has has his dream job of illustrating children's books. I am very happy for him. He stuck to painting for sometime but this didn't exactly make a living, so his present job should be much better and still satisfy his need to be creative. I do think a good work ethic can help people to feel better about themselves, just because of their accomplishments. It doesn't always work out that way but the journey of striving toward goals adds enthusiasm to life.


  1. That is quite the job saga. Trevor's eagerness to work is impressive. He is probably always going to be that way. But it does sound like hard work. He will probably be glad when the three weeks are done!

  2. Wow! No one but an enthusiastic kid would think that job great! Sounds like Tom tromping hay when he was eight for a dime a day...at least Trevor gets paid a little better. Sounds like a great bonus if they can hang for three weeks. No wonder the Heartland raises tough kids.

  3. Why do they remove tassels? (I was thinking about this corn story.)
