Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trevor's first romantic kiss.

My great grandson Trevor lived with me from the time he was two until five. I was seventy when he became my total responsibility. By the time he was five his mother had managed to get her life together and was able to take him. Unfortunately they had to move to Illinois so this was very heart wrenching for both Trevor and I. He was a joy and enriched my life a great deal, even if it was hard at my age. All of my family advised me not to do it, but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. It was the biggest leap of faith I had ever taken.During this time I took him every week to see his mom no matter where she was. Thus he loved her desperately and was thrilled when he could go live with her. She has become a wonderful mother to Trevor and his little brother Bryce.

Recently in school they were to write their story. This included who was their favorite people and why. Larena (his mother) read me this part on the phone last night and it really touched my heart. She was number one, of course. He said because she buys him so many things. She was not offeded at this but just glad to be number one. I told her he was probably so over whelmed with reasons that was all he could say.

Then he went on to list me as number two because he could always call me and talk about anything. He said I was very kind and I made him delicious devinty and when I cooked I always let him lick the spoon. Also that I taught him to play scrabble even though I always beat him when we played.

His Dad was number three because he supported him in all his sports. In the summer when he grilled they would toss the baseball around and sometimes they played catch with the football. Then "My dad works very hard to support our family." I hope when I grow up I will work hard and support my family.

Who knows what will impress a kid. i was pleased about his memories of me but the part that brought tears to my eyes was what he said about his dad. His hopes of being a good father couldn't have been a better closing line as for as I was concerned. Trevor has turned into quite the little writer which I am sure will bring him much joy in his life. Oh, how I love this little boy.


  1. A very sweet photo. Trevor is still making you happy because you did take him at a time in his life when he really needed your help. And although he was not very old I think he understands that and is always going to be grateful. He is a very smart sensitive child. As well as very cute. Kudos to his Mom for treasuring her two boys enough to try very hard to be able to be there for them. I was worried at the time about how long you be strong enough to continue this care. Another blogger friend took her grandchild out of a bad situation, but she is HIV and now she is having one sick spell after another as Katie catches germs at school and brings them home. She has done such wonderful work with this brilliant sensitive little girl. Her situation reminds me of yours with Trevor. Only Katie's Mom was so seriously disfunctional she has not done anything much to be able to take care of her if anything happens to her grandmother. She does have a loving step grandfather, too, but I am just praying that Nelishia does not develop full blown AIDs. A lot of grandmothers out there who have stepped up who are to be commended when they were needed. I got to tend my grandchild for a number of years there but his mother was always there at night and on weekends so the pressure was not so great.

  2. Thanks Gerry for your comment. My heart goes out to your blogger friend Nelishia. I do hope she gets a miracle and the mom to the little girl can step up to the plate. I definately felt we had a miracle with Larena. She did show a lot of character even in her worst of times and this gave me hope.

    i remember so well when you were caring for Jamal. He was such a cute bright little boy. (no wonder he is so handsome and smart now.)

    I personally believe when we protest abortion with hope than we can stop them entirely some day, that everyone has to be willing to take care of these unwanted children, no matter how hard it may be.

    When all is said and done everyone wants to feel that their life counted for something. Trevor was it for me. I'll be Jamal gives you those feelings as well as Dante. Then there is Ann, she is totally remarkable with all her grandchildren. Her reports are very heart warming.

  3. This is a very touching post. Grandparents are so important to children but when you step beyond that just being a grandma line, so many really great things happen both for you and the kids. Having Colby in our house changed everything for all of us and taught both Steve and I the kind of relationship we want to have with each of our grandchildren even if we don't get the pleasure (and challenge) of having them live with us. It is so nice when you get evidence of the difference you made and the sacrifices you made at that time. You truly gave the ultimate to Trevor and to Larena. Thanks for sharing his story.

  4. What a darling picture...no wonder you posted that. Our grandchildren give us a chance to 'be there' once more. The year or so I tended Shayna in the day were special for both of us, as I was trying to heal from my pancreas removal. We were just there for each other and I enjoyed every day...and we still enjoy each other in special ways. I had Addison, Meadow, and Drew who are 'my kids'.
    I love all the times I have spent with grandkids and wish I could be there more with each one. Hunter tickles me in unexpected ways and Connor makes sense. Logan, Garret, and Alicia I haven't been able to be there for every day, but love the time I have. I enjoy who they are...and wish for more time!
    The time you took out for Trevor was much needed time for him. It was time well-spent.
