Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Springtime is Company time

I love being able to see family. It lifts my spirits but makes me wish fervently for more energy to enjoy doing things with them. Monika has been here a couple of weeks and will be here until saturday. She is a joy to be around and I feel so proud of her for what she does in McCall Idaho. She is in charge of the city parks and supervises several employees. Shee just had her yearly evaluation and was rated as outstanding. It came with a raise so she is happy. She was already making $24. an hour which I think is outstanding for a girl without a college education who went off on her own when she was 17 to make a life for her self. She also has great people skills. Terry was very proud of her and told me she had taken McCall by storm. It is a lovely resort town and not too large as for as permanent residents. Her room mate came with her and has been helping Dave get new cabinets in Karin's house. I am happy to see her getting her house more livable.

Joyce and Ejner came for several days. They stay with his son but I have gone out to breakfast and done several hours visiting with them. My other niece Pat has been very ill in the hospital it Ogden and thoughtful Joyce has kept me informed of her progress (or lack there of) every single day. We went to the florist and picked out a beautiful azalea plant to send back for her. Gerry, the one Doc gave you inspired me to choose that. I have never thought of azaleas when sending anyone flowers. It reminds me of Noetic Science. They believe that everything we do changes the world. Sort of like the movie"The Butterfly effect." So you can tell Doc he started a new trend, and the azalea growers will thank him. I recently joined a group studying Noetic Science so I will blog about that when I learn more. anyway I really enjoyed Joyce and Ejers visit, even though I was running out of steam by yesterday. I still have another day to spend with Monika on Thursday. Then my Randy is coming on Saturday. I am always thrilled to see that boy. He is so wonderful to be around, and Colorado gets seeming far away now that I am not much up for travel anymore. Family is such a joy!!

1 comment:

  1. I wondered who had been visiting. Sounds as though you got almost everyone at once! I am glad that Monika is still doing well. I always thought that she was quite enterprising to make the kind of life for herself she wanted. I never had flowers I enjoyed more than the azalea but now I don't know what to do with it with the blossoms all fallen off. Guess I got to look it up! The poinsettia is still doing beautifully down in Doc's shaded apartment. Glad Joyce and her husband (spell that name) are still enjoying life together. You will have to let us know how Randy's visit goes. I hope life is being good to him and his family.
