Sunday, June 20, 2010

My gorgeous great grandsons

My great grandsons are not only handsiome but talented. I just recieved a bunch of pictures with them as star athletes. Also some of Trevor's writings which I thought were charming enough to put in my blog.

VACATION By Trevor Hatch

Let me tell you my story of the time that my parents and I went to Canada. For my parents job.
It was a long ride. About seven hours.

My name is Rodney Bam. I am a normal 15 year old in high school. I am tall,skinny, with blond hair.

When we arrived in Canada we went straight to the hotel. It was suppose to be a five-star hotel with a great restaurant, and pool and spa. It turned out to be a room with two beds and one bathroom, old TV and a tiny pool. The table fit about two and we had three in our family. A bad start but maybe the other bedroom will be better. But nope, one bed mirror and old TV. How lucky am I? I get to stay here 5 days. since it was midnight I decided to go to bed. I laid down and the bed SQUEEEEEEEEKED. I covered my ears with the pillow and slowly and dreadfully went to sleep. I dreamed that night that we had to leave Canada early. I woke up smililing. I ate two strawberry strudels, got dressed and headed off to check out the school.When I got to school my teacher, Mrs Nash introduced me and saaid to make me feel welcome and blah blah blah. The usual new school intro. I just wanted to get my five days over with and go back home.I sat in the middle of the room next to a kid named Greg.he was really short with blond hair. A few minutes into the class I saw a kid named Blake smack him across the face. Gregs eyes started to water, and everyone was laughing. I thought it was wrong and mean but I didn't say anything. Later that day I saw Greg walking down the street.

"Why didn't you stick up for yourself in class?" I asked him.

" I don't know. I got to go." He said.

I went back to the hotel, swam and went to bed.

Day 2

When I got to the school I say Greg picking up his stuff in the hall and kids walking by him laughing. I said,"You want some help?" "Yeah. thanks " he said.

After school I went over to Greg's house for dinner. His mother made us some Canadian bacon. It was the best I had ever had. We did homework and that night I dreamed I was in a world full of Canadian bacon.MMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Day 3

After school that day Greg asked me if I wanted to go to wrestling practice with him.

"You wrestle?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, I'm really good," he said.

"Why didn't you used your wrestling skills to kick those peoples butts who bullied you?'

"I don't know he said." then after a few seconds, "I don't like to use violence to solve problems."

"Oh" was all I could say as it didn't make sense to me.

Day 4

It was Saturday and Greg had a wrestling event. I called all the kids that picked on Greg and told them to be at the the scool at the time Greg was scheduled to wrestle. He was doing really good and ended up goin4-1 and winning first place in the tournament. All the kids congratulated him and he was really happy. We celebrated at Greg's house with cake, brownies, juice and lots of food. we had a blast.


We packed up all our stuff and had our last meal at the restaurant. Before we left Greg called and thanked me for inviting all the kids to his even.

I said,"No problem, I owed you. You gave me some mighty good bacon."


Just a couple of short poems, and then I will quit bragging on my12 yr old budding author.

Trevor's idea of hyperbole.
1 He was so short he jumped off the curb and died.
2 If I've told you once I've told you a million times.]
3 It's going to take a bazillion years to get through
4 medical school.
5 She cried for days.
6 My car is a million years old.
7 she was so dumb she was stumped on the first question where it said put your name.


Who loves to beg for food.
Who loves to play;
Who is named Chewee.
Who is tiny.
His people adore him.
They pet him.
People know I love him.
People give him belly rubs.


  1. I see Trevor is a budding author. There is quite a flow of action here. I got a kick out of some of his hyperbole, but these boys are both handsome and I am sure smart as can be. Good thing he's got an interested great grandma to try his writings out on.

  2. You know these boys are precious to me and as we write about the pedifiles and read about the crazy things that can happen, I do worry about them. I'm very glad that Larena and Brian are quite strick and very protective. Being a parent is not an easy job. fortunately their town is fairly small , at least compared to Phoenix.

  3. I enjoyed the story and have talented grandkids. Both so handsome. They need people to stay close.
