Wednesday, September 30, 2009

LeFaair's Art Work

When LeFair heard that Trevor and Bryce were coming for the 4th of July he went to his shop and got out the welder and built a little car for them to ride in the parade. Time was running out so he didn't get the motor working so had to pull it behind the ole international pickup, but the had fun. It took me back to when he built a little car , with motor, for Randy and Robert as little boys to travel about town. Benefits of a small town. It was really small then and hardly any traffic. Next he built a dune buggy for Terry and Wendal who were older. LeFair was quite the mechanic and I was incredably impressed with his patience when he fixed something. He kept a lot of old cars, tracters and such working for everyone in town. He was not nearly as patient with cows and horses so instead of a great rancher, he grew things and fixed things.

I remember one time Nathella Griffin had stalled out right at the top of the Boulder mountain. (15 miles away) She got a ride to town and called on LeFair to go get the car running. Off they went but when they got there Nathella realized she had forgotten her keys. Back to town they came for the keys. When they returned to the mountain he soon diagnoed the problem and fixed the car. Less time fiximng than traveling back and forth. He was not the least bit disgruntled and was glad to help. He was such a nice man, it's too bad we had to part. Now his eyes are too dim to safely operate the welder. He still grows beautiful grass though and has the most manucured lot in town.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Glamour days

At the height of my career as a new home sales person, every year they had the MAMES . Stands for "Major Achievement in Marketing Excellence" It was quite the elegant affair. Each year my friend Sonney shopped for the perfect dress and always looked like one of the most beautiful movie stars on Oscar night. I on the other hand, was much more unconcerned and looked some what mediocre. The year of the picture above my niece Janice was in town and insisted we SHOP. The dress was prettier than it looks here as it had a waistline of sequins and pearls. Janice of course insisted it deserved the correct earrings. Off we went to Zia Gallery. I wasn't used to spending $75. for a pair of costume jewelry earrings but I quickly adjusted. They did have a lot of bling under the lights. My date was the above sweet Bruce Evens and he was properly appreciative.

I knew I had sold a lot of Real Estate that year but hardly expected to be called to the stage with the million dollar producers. I was nervous but thought it was fun too. (My moment of Fame.)

Incidentally the earrings were very heavy and I only wore them that one night, still I could blame them for my ears growing longer. I have found lately that is a result of growing old, but I'll never forget the day I looked in the mirror and noticed my big ears. I was so shocked, and thought how in the heck did those ears get on my head. Oh well it makes us appreciate our days of glory as we observe our selves in our declining years.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Scrabble, the game of the year,

From top to bottom.Lisa and LaRena, wearing the Bronze.Ginna and LaRena . LaRena waiting for a game. Deg, The grand champ of the entire meet. I spread the word "He can be beat" so he put a transfer on his tee shirt saying that. He of course had to have the last word, so he put on the back "But not by you.Last is Jenny and I at a Prescott tournament. where I actually beat her. She was the queen of their tournament for 6 years. Lisa nor I could never take the gold. We're much better players now but didn't attend this summer because my Trevor was visiting me.

I met Deg the first meetup I ever attended. His reputation had gone before him. It was a small gathering and I felt the reluctance of all to play Deg. Intimidation prevailed., but silly me said, "I will tackle him.(Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.) Of course he trounced me good and I learned I was a very mediocre player.

Still I felt so lucky as I had picked the club at random from the internet, and what a wonderful group of people. Ginna, the scrabbleDiva who organized the club is such a gem. She welcomes and helps new members with word lists. Anna and Chriss came that day and they are just super special people. It couldn't be better. When I told the people I always associate with that I had joined a scrabble club, they said, " Oh that is a good way to make new friends" I replied that I didn't want any more friends as I was having a hard time keeping up with the ones I already had. Of course I soon made several fabulous new friends. Some days are enchanted. Deg graciously invited me to play him on line. I was intimidated but went for it. He has taught me so much. I now think strategy as well as luck and skill. As Deg puts it I have ramped up my game.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Friend Susan

We served hambuns and apple pie together
In a small dinner in Scottsdale
She became my first new Phoenix friend.
We both knew we would eventually find our passion.
Mine found me first. A work I could love.

Susan worked at many difficult jobs ,
to support her three children.
Susan the stalwart,
Susan the witty and brave.
One day her passion became so insistent,
she could no longer resist it.

She sold her house,and bought a pickup.
I doubted her ability to drive the big thing.
Behind it she pulled a trailer containing all her treasures.
The cameras, the tripods and a dark room.
She was not deterred.

She set off across the country to the East,
Where all the beautiful horses grazed.
She became quite famous as the horse
Photographer to hire. The owners
Loved her and so did the horse magazines.

Yesterday I visited her in the hospital,
where she is fighting a virulent leukemia.
She speaks of death as a mighty river
where energy goes in and goes out.
She thinks she might make it until Springtime.

She laughs with her daughters and plans
a trip to Spain to hold her new grand daughter,
And kiss the little boy, She'll talk to her son.
Ah Susan ,Springtime seems so soon
Don't go until you have to.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

LaRena Hiking

When I was young, and full of energy and enthusiasm one of the most entertaining things I could do was take a challenging hike. I had an even younger friend who loved to challenge me. He took me to the top of the Sugar loaf in our hometown of Boulder. The last thing you had to do was jump over a rather wide crevice. I was terrified. The view from the top was fantastic but I couldn't relax as I was worried about how to get back down without doing that jump. My friend said,"Well you can go down the face if you want" I took that option and that was no picnic either. I slide on my fanny most of the way.

Next big challenge was too climb to the top of Angel's landing in Zion's National Park. I was About half way up I was sure I couldn't make it. Friend kept saying "Oh it is just a little bit further. We finally reached the top. IT WAS MAGNIFICENT. I would recomend that climb to anyone with a bit of stamina.

When I was a child we were allowed to climb the knolls and ledges to our hearts content. My sister was a daredevil where I was a physical coward. One day she fell among the rolks from the top of the white pik. I had to watch her tumble clear to the bottom. She sat up so I knew she would live but she was bloody and scraped from head to toe. I had night mares about that for years.

To end my career as a hiker at age 76 I wanted to hike to my favorite spot of Calf Creek Falls. I actually did with other famil members making sure nothing serious happed to me. It is six miles (3 up and 3 back) sort of up and down, not flat. I was so gald to have the memory of that day. Now my hiking boots sit in the closet gathering dust but thrill still remains in my heart.