Friday, September 25, 2009

Scrabble, the game of the year,

From top to bottom.Lisa and LaRena, wearing the Bronze.Ginna and LaRena . LaRena waiting for a game. Deg, The grand champ of the entire meet. I spread the word "He can be beat" so he put a transfer on his tee shirt saying that. He of course had to have the last word, so he put on the back "But not by you.Last is Jenny and I at a Prescott tournament. where I actually beat her. She was the queen of their tournament for 6 years. Lisa nor I could never take the gold. We're much better players now but didn't attend this summer because my Trevor was visiting me.

I met Deg the first meetup I ever attended. His reputation had gone before him. It was a small gathering and I felt the reluctance of all to play Deg. Intimidation prevailed., but silly me said, "I will tackle him.(Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.) Of course he trounced me good and I learned I was a very mediocre player.

Still I felt so lucky as I had picked the club at random from the internet, and what a wonderful group of people. Ginna, the scrabbleDiva who organized the club is such a gem. She welcomes and helps new members with word lists. Anna and Chriss came that day and they are just super special people. It couldn't be better. When I told the people I always associate with that I had joined a scrabble club, they said, " Oh that is a good way to make new friends" I replied that I didn't want any more friends as I was having a hard time keeping up with the ones I already had. Of course I soon made several fabulous new friends. Some days are enchanted. Deg graciously invited me to play him on line. I was intimidated but went for it. He has taught me so much. I now think strategy as well as luck and skill. As Deg puts it I have ramped up my game.


  1. Oh, what an interesting entry, since I love scrabble (but don't have time to play it). Now start giving your link to your family and friends. I have concluded that we have to blog for each other. It is just a little fancier more creative way of communicating with people. I see you got the photo off. If you use another photo I always check in my pictues, the size of the photo. It needs to be around 500-600 for a header photo. I reduce it in paint shop so it doesn't spread all over the place to a size too large. I love the big photos and yours was spectacular, but a little large. Ha.

  2. Okay, how did you get those great pictures all in a row? I want to leave the picture with the poem, but it disappears. Do you cut from my photos and paste?
    I love your scrabble entry. You are just going great guns posting and posting! I enjoyed your entry.

  3. When you add your picture there is a place to choose right, left or center. choose left for each one. Then saveThe image icon should ask you if you want to post another picture. You browse an upload, much like on the family web site.

    Gerry I have given my link to many friends and family. They don't seem to be too excited about checking. Several have commented on e-mail. Most can't get into blog comments as they are not bloggers. Also they don't know how fun it can be. Thanks girls for your comments.
