Wednesday, September 16, 2009

LaRena Hiking

When I was young, and full of energy and enthusiasm one of the most entertaining things I could do was take a challenging hike. I had an even younger friend who loved to challenge me. He took me to the top of the Sugar loaf in our hometown of Boulder. The last thing you had to do was jump over a rather wide crevice. I was terrified. The view from the top was fantastic but I couldn't relax as I was worried about how to get back down without doing that jump. My friend said,"Well you can go down the face if you want" I took that option and that was no picnic either. I slide on my fanny most of the way.

Next big challenge was too climb to the top of Angel's landing in Zion's National Park. I was About half way up I was sure I couldn't make it. Friend kept saying "Oh it is just a little bit further. We finally reached the top. IT WAS MAGNIFICENT. I would recomend that climb to anyone with a bit of stamina.

When I was a child we were allowed to climb the knolls and ledges to our hearts content. My sister was a daredevil where I was a physical coward. One day she fell among the rolks from the top of the white pik. I had to watch her tumble clear to the bottom. She sat up so I knew she would live but she was bloody and scraped from head to toe. I had night mares about that for years.

To end my career as a hiker at age 76 I wanted to hike to my favorite spot of Calf Creek Falls. I actually did with other famil members making sure nothing serious happed to me. It is six miles (3 up and 3 back) sort of up and down, not flat. I was so gald to have the memory of that day. Now my hiking boots sit in the closet gathering dust but thrill still remains in my heart.


  1. Now those are beautiful photos, although I shall have to go down to Doc's to see the large one at the top, as my computer will not show a photo plus name of blog, but will show a photo without name of blog! However, you will want to keep the name of the blog on there for a little while so people will more readily recognize they are to the right place. Ann did the same thing. I have taken Doc's name off his so I can see it up here. But what I like about a blog is that it is just a little more individualistic expression of yourself than one you share with others. So hope you have fun. I will copy and paste the URL into my blog list. Gerry

  2. You already are posting more than one Photo. How do you do that? I do know that there is a spot to click so the photo fits on the page. I had that giant one at first. This blog is very interesting. You were brave to do all that climbing you did. Those memories stand out!
    I put you on as my favorite. I'll check and see if I get you now instead of the other one. I told Gerry you'd have to add Winter of Life from Wayne or something. I shall see.

  3. Yes, adding the blog from here works. I came right back!

  4. Oh thanks. I am so excited that I actually found I could do it. It is a bit crazy making when you don't have a clue. To add more than one photo,go to add image and determine the size you want. Then call up your pictures and it automatically uploads. At least I THINK that's what I did. I don't even know if I can do it again.

  5. Yes, Ann, you need to upload the image while you are writing in the new post, or else editing it. If the little pencil shows at the end you click that to edit more, and in the little boxes you will find image so click that, and do what it says, and that photo will show up in your published blog in the body. Doc's gives you the alternative of large, medium, and small. I have one that you can click on like the family site and get it bigger. I saw the huge gorgeous header photo down to Doc's, LaRena. Now in time when you change headers you will see a place to click that says with title of blog or one that says without. If you click the without then people with computers like me can see the photo. Otherwise it is blank. That is what I have to do to see my own header! Gerry

  6. Thanks for the tips. I put the huge one on by accident when I was trying to figure out what to do. I have choice of small, medium and large, but it will probably hard for me to change stuff for a while. I think I will love it though. Don't know why I dragged my feet so long bout trying.

  7. Welcome to the blogging world. I always thought myself as adventurous but never would I have climbed those hills...wonder where that little crevice in your blog header goes..that is such a fantastic shot...
