Friday, December 18, 2009

Birthday Bash

I decided not to wait for friends to e-mail me pictures of parties or I will be eighty one before I get out another blog. I've really milked this birthday all month. This being eighty if not so bad. Of course Dec. birthdays are always hard for everyone as they are so busy with Xmas. Still I think there was a realization of the passing of time, as I got stacks of cards and phone calls. Then Lisa had a party for me that was like a Hollywood production. She had her house decorated for Xmas and did a beautiful creative table. I came home loading with gifts. The next day Robert brought me a bouquet of tulips. They were red and opened up so pretty. In all my years I have never received tulips and and didn't realize what a lovely cut flower they can be.

The next day Joyce and Ejner came from Salt Lake and took me to lunch. They brought two dozen red roses and more dishes. My cupboards are stuffed as I love pretty dishes. It is an entertainment set. Guess she has forgot I don't entertain as much as I used to. Hardly at all in fact. Still the set made me happy. Following that day Sandy and Mary Jane had a fancy breakfast for me. Last night Sonney and Bill had a combo, birthday and Christmas party with all the friends I used to work with , so you see I didn't lack for attention. Oh yes Randy and Lucinda bought me a special pair of shoes that worked well with my bunion and crooked toes. It was a darn good thing as I got out all my fancy shoes I usually wear with Christmas finery and couldn't walk in any of them. I would have had to go bare foot or in house shoes. Anyway you can see I got enough attention. Still all the wishes on the family site made me happy. Oh yes and Sandy bought me a Susan Boyle tape that is very beautiful.

Well, there is a down side to being eighty alwso. can't tell if your make up and hair look okay and jewlry is hard to put on, to say nothing of panty hose. Still I am blessed

My Ex Husband sent me a clever card, saying "Where did our youth go?" Punch line inside "I don't know I can't even find my dentures." Frtunately for him he desn't were the pesky things. It is still fun to have a Birthday and I feel appreciated. Eighty does seem much older than sixty nine though.


  1. Yes, it does sound like you were remembered well so that should compensate some for turnng 80. As you said on the family site, eyesight loss is what is troubling. I hope that your eye sight problems worsen very slowly, so your eyes will last as long as you do. That should be a welcome birthday wish!

  2. Happy Eighth! My word, but you are old! The rest of us are not far behind. Tom feels eighty today, I'm sure. He said implants were
    much more worse than having teeth least they didn't scrape bone then. He is also worried about his eyesight. I hope you can see as long as you need to! Getting into old age takes courage. You definitely have it!

  3. Happy Birthday, (late) from Austin! I so enjoy your comments and I hope you had a great birthday. I love tulips, a most underrated flower. Tell Robert "hello" from me, and I am enjoying your blog!
