Friday, November 6, 2009

One pretty girl!!

One of the most beautiful girls in our family is my sister Beaulah's daughter Diana Joyce. This picture is a couple of years old but she looks the same. Would you believe she is 66? When Joyce's mother died very young Joyce was devastated . They had been the best of buddies,and loved each other so deeply. It was such a shocking blow, for Joyce as well as the rest of the family. Joyce helped her father and brothers with cooking and house keeping, whenever she was not in school. As soon as she graduated from colledge she went to Germany to teach school. She made the very most of this experience.

My friend Fran and I took our first trip together to Germany to visit Joyce and see my son Terry, who was in the service. It eased my heart to see him even though he couldn't spend a great deal of time with us. Joyce made up for this lack by taking us into her home and cooking fantastic meals for us. She took us sight seeing to all the little villages, through Boveria and into Vienna on the border of Austria. It was wonderful as we were not experienced travelers and Joyce knew all the most lovely places to show us. We had such a great time.

It was there that my mind turned to thinking more about reincarnation. We took a small cruise on Konasea lake. As we were leaving the shore I looked back and to my surprise here was this perfect image of cottages and water that had been in my dreams. I had dreamed of this exact place several times and always felt it was significant somehow. On the boat I was so struck I said, (rather loudly) That is my dream. I explained I had dereamed this for years.

When we went to Burgus Gaden (Hitler's Crow's Nest) I got up at 5:00 a..m. one morning and went for a walk. It was so beaautiful high above the valley, I took time to meditate. I was so struck to think someone could actually be in a place that looked like that and plan such destrution.

When Joyce was through with Germany, I suggested she come to Phoenix to live. Truth be told I wanted her comany. She did, and taught school many years here. She met Ejner, the perfect husband for her. They now just completed a lovely large home in Huntsfille, Utah. She is over joyed with her surroundings and to be only fifty miles from Bountiful where she grew up.

Joyce is pretty on the inside as well as the outside. She has one of the most loving and thoughtfuls spirits a lady could have. As Thanksgiving approaches I think of how she has enriched my life and am thankful for lovely her.


  1. What a beautiful photo of Joyce who has always been so naturally beautiful but is so modest about her looks, doesn't seem to have any vanity at all. I don't think I have ever heard about this dream. Since your Larsen ancestors came from Sweden, well it is interesting to speculate why you saw this place in dreams. Maybe you will know someday.

  2. Yes Joyce is very modest. Her only bit of vanity is always buying very nice cloths and taking pains with her make up. Her looks has never seemed detrimental to her personality. Some pretty girls I know are so obnoxious about it that it actually spoils their looks.

  3. She is a beautiful woman...66? I don't believe it!
