Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My cute neices

Being the youngest of six girls in my family I always had the fun and security of having five great sisters to depend on. As we got older and they started to leave the earth I felt quite devastated. Then there was only Melba and Alice left. I didn't think either took really good care of themselves and I worried. One day I was in a real rant to Alice. I said," if you and Melba die, I will be SO mad at you. I don't want to be left in the world without sisters to always get my back." She replied,"You know I am leaving several great daughters to you." She did do that and I have been eternally grateful for their love and support. They are exception people.

The picture from left to right, back row is Connie, Gail, Cute Sherri , Karel and Janice front center.

I'm sorry Joyce and Pat were not in this photo. Joyce is most thoughtful for calling and inviting me to come visit her. She plans it all out. Patricia is the jokester of our family and has provided much laughter. Gail is the one who always comes to see me no matter what is happening in her own life. Karel calls and talks gently about everyone and everything. Janice and Sherri are just my enthusiastic loving fans. I have had visits from all and always feel they enrich my life so very much.

The above picture always makes me smile as Gail had them all come to her house in Sacramento. Then then went to San Francisco to see the sights and spend some special time. Gail being how she is, had reservations for this and that. Schedules for Bart down to the minute. The other girls were sort of strolling around shopping and enjoying each others company. Gail trying to keep them on time for reservations said to me,"it was about like herding feathers" Id find one and loose another but we had a wonderful time together and I would do it all over.


  1. Oh crap, Since this is a professional picture and copyrited, I found out too late I couldnot pubolish this picture in my blog. If you read this just ignored all the part about the picture. I am frustrated. It is such a cute piture.

  2. I was going to ask where it was. Don't you have one of your own...I know take a picture of the picture with your camera! Then you can publish and we can see. I enjoyed your blog anyway.

  3. I enjoyed hearing about the nieces, but I know you have photos of your own, and can scan and put in a whole array. I think they have done an admirable job of helping you not to miss your sisters too much, as our nieces and her daughters have in helping us not to miss LaRae so badly.
