Friday, October 9, 2009

street Gangs in Helena Montana

Wouldn't it be nice if this was the only types of gangs we had in Phoenix? It seems like almost every morning on the news there has been a shooting or stabbing. Some are related to drugs, alcohol and domestic violence. Most can be traced back to some sort of gang connection. It is sad to see a lovely city that we have all enjoyed so much getting more and more crime.

I love elk. Can't understand how anyone can think it is fun to shoot and eat them.


  1. Got a smile out of this photo of a street gang, when usually I dont. It is true reading the newspaper headlines every little while on my blog list has become kind of horrifying, the violent crimes are so frequent. So we have to get laughs where can these days!

  2. I loved hearing about and seeing the elk. Where did you get such great pictures. For some reason, Elk gangs seem less dangerous of the steet gangs.

  3. I thought you would be interested to know we had a gang of deer running back and forth our yard this morning, threatening our house. They stopped and looked right at us! We stayed inside.

  4. I'm trying to track down the owner of these photos to get permission for publication. Can you help me?

    Linda Causey
