Saturday, October 31, 2009

Memorable Hallooweens

One year I wasn't planning to go to a Halloween party, then the last minute I did. I proceeded to do a costume in whatever I could find around the house. I did look scary. I went to the door for trick or treaters and they ran screaming down the street. When I got to the party I sat quietly for about an hour with my very best friends not able to figure out who I was. Finally I could stand it no longer since I am by nature a very gregareus liked Halloween much. gregarious person. Needless to say I won a prize and my friend Sonney sent me this picture for Xmas. I look at it and laugh every Halloween. Up until that time I had never liked Halloween much. When I was a kid it was apple fights and trying to tip people's outhouses over. One time an older boy decided we should go to the school principal's house. None of us knew what the trick was to be but him. When Mr Goobler opened the door he threw a big bunch of flour in his face. Lucky that he wore glasses, but I thought it was just MEAN and always felt quilty just being in the crowd.

When my niece Janice lived with me she wanted us to dress up and go to the disco at the Point of Veiw. Good sport that I am ,I let her prevaile. One of us was Martisa from the Adam's familuy and the other an alien. Mostly I remember wearing her thigh high boots that had 4inch heels. I could hardly stand much less walk or dance. It's funny I didn't breal m,y mecl before the night was over. That would have taken the shine off Janice's love for Halloween. She was always mopre excited about that holiday than most people are about Xmas. I could never figure out this quirk as she is a very shy and retiring person. Maybe being so creative with costumes and feeling like someone new and strange when she got all decked out brought out a plaayfulness hidden deep within her soul.I on the other hand just felt STRANGE.


  1. You have forgotten the Halloween party in the Boulder church hall I think and a couple came strolling in, masked and they would not talk and nobody could figure out who they were and finally they just left without unmasking and I was so impressed especially when I found out this was you and Flora Petersen. You never broke down, laughed, or gave yourselves away. That is when I decided you had real acting ability and needed to be in a play, so I soon found a part for you in Aunt Santhea and had a lot of fun directing you to be a femme fatale. That part has evolved so many different ways since then but you were the first Munney who needed to inherit the worst way.

  2. Oh my gosh yes, I had forgotten how hard Flora and I laughed while getting our costumes. Even our more serious husbands thought it was quite fumy. I didn't know tha's when you thought I could play your creation of Celis. You were a great director and I had fun putting together my fashionable clothes to wear. Being a femme fatale had never been much in my self image at that time. Of course I knew I was a quick study and you soon made a believer out of me. No wonder I got in so much trouble in my life once I became convinced I was a big flirt at heart.:)
