Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oh, those pesky rabits.

MY yard work becomes one big fat challenge. I was thinking about my bucket list and wanting to get this 45 ft. pine tree out of my yard, as the first thing I did. Normally I don't believe in killing tress, but this was such a big greedy sucker, it slurped up all the water nutrients and even the sunshine from my grass and flowers. Luck for me I found a great tree remover and he had it done in one day. I was ready to do the dance of joy when Robert told me they had broken the water line. This was not surprising as it had roots all over the place. Robert has been re-routing all the water and fixing sprinklers in spite of his aching back. My nature is to want everything done like YESTERDAY, so I went to my special nursery and the flowers were so beautiful I wanted to buy them all. I worked all day getting the beds looking beautiful. The next morning when we got up the loveliest flowers were all eaten and we had stems. Off I went to the nursery to buy repellent. So far so good. It's been two nights now and the rabbits have decided I am not going to put out another feast for them and all the ones they left are growing. It is to be hoped the bunnies get the message that these flowers are for ME. I'm taking a break and going to Colorado for a few days, then we will tackle winter grass. I can usually grow enough of that for me and the rabbits both. I'm sure Randy's and Lucinda's yards will be done to perfection so maybe I can enjoy them and not be so spastic about my own when I return.


  1. I did not know you were still so strong. If I had done all that work I would be pushing up the daisies. You had better get the grass growing so the rabbits will be happy with something else besides beautiful flowers. I do go out and observe what the gardners have done to the WHo patio. That's easier. The guys keep having to throw out rye grass seed as birds and birds have been eating them and it came up quite sparse. Oh what a wonderful time they had eating that. I have enough to do watering my house tree and mums. I have never had mums and thought what do I do just throw the plant out when the flowers fall off. A lot of us are working hard watching the workers work. I enjoyed coming and reading how you worked. I thought it quite impressive. I hope you have a nice time in Colorado. Gerry

  2. How old did you say you were? My word, but you do get the work done. I would enjoy seeing your garden. Do take a picture!
