Thursday, August 26, 2010

And then the Batroom flooded.

All seems peaceful when I went to put on a bit of makeup and fluff my hair before going out to run errands. Then I hear a strange noise and feel dampness on my bare feet. A shut off valve under the sink has broken and the carpet is rapidly soaking. I ran to get Robert. He got it partly shut off but it was in a tight place he couldn't get to. We called Mr Rooter and the nicest guy came right over and went to work. After some discussion we decided to change all the valves in the house. There are eight,. $500.00 worth of repairs in a few hours. It seemed the thing to do. Then the real work began, getting carpet up and dried, the pad dried . Much moving, tugging etc for Robert with his bad back. Two days worth of aggression and misery. Robert said carpet should be outlawed in a bathroom and tried to talk me into tile. Still the bathroom is large and the carpet flows from the master bedroom so I could only imagine that it would look strange. It's enough to make one think they might like to live in an apartment where such crisis's are someone Else's problem.

Well, it is about back to normal after two days and nights, and I realize once more how much I depend on living a very organized life. Thank Goodness for Robert. He hates for me to hire anyone else as they don't do a perfect job like he does and he has to do it over. This is true. He is a perfectionist, in spite of a little mumbling and grumbling, I can count on it being very well done at the end, so I am grateful. A home is a big responsibility. Still I enjoy it and the big yard with so much peace and quiet. I doubt I will be moving until I go the big subdivision in the sky.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mason and Clifford the Big Red Dog

Gerry inspired me to go back to my Grandson's young days. When he was a baby the Churchman's (His maternal Grand parents) always bought him very expensive presents. I decided right away I wasn't going to get into a competition over the gift giving. Still I wanted to give something thoughtful and memorable.

Fortuitously, when Mason visited me when he was about 18 months, I got some Clifford books to read to him. He laughed so hard at the antics of the big red dog that his contagious laughter had my sister Melba, and I in stitches. From then on he always requested Clifford books when he visited. This of course inspired me to buy the first stuffed dog. He was so pleased I kept adding to the collection until he had every size possible. He loved them so much that whenever a trip was planned a couple of the small dogs had to be the first thing in his suit case. They were never far from him. Especially at nap time, as you can see. When he was a teenager Randy sneaked in and got the grown up picture. He warned me to never let Mason know he had given this to me. However I was so struck by the continued innocent expresson on his face that I framed them together and set them on my night stand. As luck would have it Mason visited, and walked directly to my bedroom and saw the picture. he didn't act to embarrassed or angry so this was good. It was some years before he agreed to give up his Clifford collection. I hope some little boy got it and loves them as much as Mason did. Oh yes, Mason is a big dog lover. He did his stint working in a dogie day ccare. Of course he adopted a big old dog named Gus who has a lame leg. He could not have found a better home. I, of course felt I had batted a home run with this kid.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mason is back in school,yeah

I just got off the phone with Lucinda, and I am so happy. We have all been dismayed that Mason developed a big antipathy for school. He can see the need of an education in this competitive world but could just not bring himself to do it. Randy has been so puzzled as he devoted himself to school and was grateful for the opportunity. Mason loved school when he was kid in Montessori, It suited him fine and he has proven himself to be very smart, but couldn't move ahead in the direction he needed to go. He had a difficult romance and gave up all his Hockey opportunities to please her(the girlfriend) as she wanted more time and attention.(There was never enough.) She became more and more needy until he could stand it no more. Of course the breakup was hard, as all of them are.

Lucina, who claims to be agnostic told me of this turn of events. She had an urge to drive out to Longmont to purchase a certain kind of sport shirt for Mason. On the way she notice this old building that looked as though it had been renovated from an old church. The sign said,"Adult Education." She stopped an picked up some material and took it home to Mason. He checked it out and is now enrolled in the classes he will need for collage. The amazing part of the story is that he LOVES it. Lucinda felt some sort of unusual force at work, in spite of herself. They have agonized over how life would work out for their precious son. Both she an Randy deserve a win in this respect and perhaps the path is now open. I told her about my accountant telling me how their best laid plans had been changed totally this summer. She is very spiritual and said after telling me the story of how everything had happened to put them in an even better place than they had planned, "I don't think there is such a thing as coincidence but just God being anonymous. Today I am feeling rather inspired.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Reading My Niece Pat's writing about brother Roger.

My nephew Roger drowned in Flaming Gorge in 1985. His body was not found until two years later. He was only 41 so it was very tragic for our whole family. His sister Patsy has been very ill . she is finally recovering enough that I can tal with her. She asked me if I had ever read what she had written. I hadn't and asked for a copy. It came today and I sat right down to read. She had choosen a unique way to tell his story by writing him a letter on each of his birthdays. expressing the feelings she had for him as a brother. She paid tribute to his many great qualities and expressed her sorry at losing him so soon. Also she thanked him in each of her letters for being such an important part of her life. It6 was very beautifully written and I think his children and grand children will find it a great treasure.

She ended with this quote I like.

"A symbol of hope a butter fly lights beside us like a sunbeam. And for a brief moment it's glory and beauty belong to our world,but then it flys again and though we wish it could have stayed ,we feel lucky to have seen it."

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Trevor is duly employeed

I was informed by phone, by a proud mother that her son is now working in the corn fields of Illinois. What a kid. They walk about four miles through the rows removing tassels from the the corn. Trevor was very excited about his first job. His mom said he came home from the first day so pooped out he went instantly asleep. She woke him for dinner. He ate and immediately went upstairs to sleep. This was a wise decision as he was to be back to the corn field at 5:30 a.m . I of course asked does he have dark glasses? Does he wear a hat and sunblock? The answer, yes plush long sleeved shirt, gloves and boots. Plenty of water was supplied. It is a good thing Trevor is in good shape from all of his sports. I was quite shocked that they could hire kids so young for such hard work but I guess it is common practice there among the many corn growers.

They pay them well,($7.50) per hour and if they do a good job and show up everyday, they get a two hundred and fifty dollar bonus at the end of the three week season. This will seem like great money to all the kids. The down side is they need them to work seven days a week. This will be rather grueling to say the least. Trevor is a very ambitious kid and asked me if he could work at McDonald's when he was three years old. Bryce, on the other hand has no interest in such endeavors. His grandpa back there asked him if he was going to work in the corn when he got old as Trevor, (12). He said, "No I just don't think that is for me." He is a comical little kid. Larena said he wants to make sure he can live at home until he is 35.

Speaking of working kids my grand nephew , Brandon, who always liked to draw cartoon figures from the time he was little now has has his dream job of illustrating children's books. I am very happy for him. He stuck to painting for sometime but this didn't exactly make a living, so his present job should be much better and still satisfy his need to be creative. I do think a good work ethic can help people to feel better about themselves, just because of their accomplishments. It doesn't always work out that way but the journey of striving toward goals adds enthusiasm to life.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Watching "What Dreams May Come"

Last night Robert and I watched this film, and even if it is fairly old I enjoyed it a lot. Robert had seen it but I hadn't. The putting together of a film from pure imagination about life after death was quite a fete.It was well crafted and gave food for thought. Unusually in some of the films today. Rather dark but beautiful in other places. Touching when he meets his beloved dog from childhood. (Who says dogs don't have souls?)

I have always imagined that one would have the freedom to be where they wanted to be and create whatever environment they wished. Even though this film suggested that it also sounded as though one had to work very hard to make things right they had done in this world. Made sense, (but made me tired to think of it.) I'll probably have to rest a hundred years or so before I can make much progress in the here after.

It reminded me of a conversation I had with my friend Susan just before her death. She knew she was terminal and we frequently discussed what might come for her. She said since all is energy she thought of it as a big river where energy went in and energy went out with the birth of new babies.

A few weeks after her demise I was in a deep sleep, not dreaming but in my mind I heard the message,"There is a river" It gave me such a jolt I came fully awake. At first I thought this meant I should read the book by that name once more. It had been many years since I read it and was int"rigued. Later I though "No, this has to do with Susan. Where ever she might be I hope she has her energy, keen intellect and great talent as a horse photographer. I hope lots of beautiful horses are hanging around waiting to have their pictures taken.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Trek to Slide rock

I made it down the treacherous rocks and many steps to find a great rock like a bench ,where I could see my cute grand nieces having fun in the water.Sedona is always an adventure, amd bromgs back memories of happy visits and lots of hiking in it's gorgeous canyons. I was raised in red rock country so when I first moved to Arizona and would feel homesick I would always jump into my car and head to Sedona.

My niece Janice, her husband Steve, daughters Alyca and Anna have been visiting the past week and I wanted them to have fun in natures water park at Slide Rock. They loved it. We also had a picnic and of course stopped at the famous Fudge Factory. All in all they were properly impress. That place is a photographers dream so even the kids cell phones captured it's beauty.

They were here for a week, including their two Shelty dogs. They have been known to be very hyper in the past but seemed to have matured and were really polite. They would even step carefully aside if I met one in the hallway. They seemed to sense you have to be careful with old folks. Robert got his 'dog lovers' fix, so that was good. He was happy to tend the dogs if we went some place where they couldn't go.

I loved having them, but m,ust admit to getting very tired. They left just in time for me to leave for the Scrabble Club's 4th of july party . held at a lovely home in Carefree where we could end the day watching the fireworks from the patio. My games were less than perfect because my eyes were not doing well. In fact I was very dismayed and bummed that the red rocks of Sedona were not nearly as intense to my eyes. Looked like they had all been washed with a heavy rain fall of bleach. Sign. Well at least I could still see them and walk well down the rugged trail, so I guess I will just remember to be grateful.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My gorgeous great grandsons

My great grandsons are not only handsiome but talented. I just recieved a bunch of pictures with them as star athletes. Also some of Trevor's writings which I thought were charming enough to put in my blog.

VACATION By Trevor Hatch

Let me tell you my story of the time that my parents and I went to Canada. For my parents job.
It was a long ride. About seven hours.

My name is Rodney Bam. I am a normal 15 year old in high school. I am tall,skinny, with blond hair.

When we arrived in Canada we went straight to the hotel. It was suppose to be a five-star hotel with a great restaurant, and pool and spa. It turned out to be a room with two beds and one bathroom, old TV and a tiny pool. The table fit about two and we had three in our family. A bad start but maybe the other bedroom will be better. But nope, one bed mirror and old TV. How lucky am I? I get to stay here 5 days. since it was midnight I decided to go to bed. I laid down and the bed SQUEEEEEEEEKED. I covered my ears with the pillow and slowly and dreadfully went to sleep. I dreamed that night that we had to leave Canada early. I woke up smililing. I ate two strawberry strudels, got dressed and headed off to check out the school.When I got to school my teacher, Mrs Nash introduced me and saaid to make me feel welcome and blah blah blah. The usual new school intro. I just wanted to get my five days over with and go back home.I sat in the middle of the room next to a kid named Greg.he was really short with blond hair. A few minutes into the class I saw a kid named Blake smack him across the face. Gregs eyes started to water, and everyone was laughing. I thought it was wrong and mean but I didn't say anything. Later that day I saw Greg walking down the street.

"Why didn't you stick up for yourself in class?" I asked him.

" I don't know. I got to go." He said.

I went back to the hotel, swam and went to bed.

Day 2

When I got to the school I say Greg picking up his stuff in the hall and kids walking by him laughing. I said,"You want some help?" "Yeah. thanks " he said.

After school I went over to Greg's house for dinner. His mother made us some Canadian bacon. It was the best I had ever had. We did homework and that night I dreamed I was in a world full of Canadian bacon.MMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Day 3

After school that day Greg asked me if I wanted to go to wrestling practice with him.

"You wrestle?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, I'm really good," he said.

"Why didn't you used your wrestling skills to kick those peoples butts who bullied you?'

"I don't know he said." then after a few seconds, "I don't like to use violence to solve problems."

"Oh" was all I could say as it didn't make sense to me.

Day 4

It was Saturday and Greg had a wrestling event. I called all the kids that picked on Greg and told them to be at the the scool at the time Greg was scheduled to wrestle. He was doing really good and ended up goin4-1 and winning first place in the tournament. All the kids congratulated him and he was really happy. We celebrated at Greg's house with cake, brownies, juice and lots of food. we had a blast.


We packed up all our stuff and had our last meal at the restaurant. Before we left Greg called and thanked me for inviting all the kids to his even.

I said,"No problem, I owed you. You gave me some mighty good bacon."


Just a couple of short poems, and then I will quit bragging on my12 yr old budding author.

Trevor's idea of hyperbole.
1 He was so short he jumped off the curb and died.
2 If I've told you once I've told you a million times.]
3 It's going to take a bazillion years to get through
4 medical school.
5 She cried for days.
6 My car is a million years old.
7 she was so dumb she was stumped on the first question where it said put your name.


Who loves to beg for food.
Who loves to play;
Who is named Chewee.
Who is tiny.
His people adore him.
They pet him.
People know I love him.
People give him belly rubs.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lunch, breakfast, dinner.

I was thinking about how much of one's entertainment is wrapped up in food. Especially when one gets older. I now understand better about Aunt Thirza's book where she told what they had for supper each night. I thought it was a good book except for that.

My socializing often now a days consists of going to restaurants. Phoenix has a lot of them and it seems I am always going to meet a friend for a meal. The other morning all the Executive Homes crew met at my favorite breakfast spot in my neighborhood. We can always talk for hours it seems and catch up on each others lives. It is quite unusual I believe, that People who work together stay together for thirty years. I know families who are not that close. When Gail was here Sonney was having a charity event for 175 people (in her beautiful yard.) and Gail just had to go down and visit for a while. She and Sonney have became solid friends. The event was for for people who have lost a child. I didn't go as one hundred dollars per plate seemed a bit pricey for my present budget. I do know a young girl they have set up for free counseling who lost a baby three years ago.( A very hard thing to get over) so the money was definitely for a worthy cause. They put together a charming cook book with recipe's from all the chefs who prepared the food, plus some from the best restaurants in town. I thought I would buy one of those as a gift for Gail. She would actually use the recipes. I wouldn't. I am lucky if I can scrabble an egg now days. Besides it is too hot to cook. I am a grazer anyway. just eat small amounts all day long. That seems to work well for me. Keeps up my energy and holds my weight steady. I had to laugh at one of the ladies at our breakfast get together who, was talking about her elderly mother in law being nothing but skin and bones. Carol herself is about as big as a minute and looks like skin and bones. I find it quite interesting how people perceive themselves. My Doctor told me I needed to gain a few pounds. I had been worrying about getting too hippy since I don't exercise much any more. Of course I have always been built like a pair. In any event we are still a nation of hunters and gatherers.Hunt the super markets for what might taste good.

Anyone want to come to my house for coffee and Krispy Kremes. I promise the conversation will be lievely. There are politics, oil in the gulf, emigration and war in Aphaganistan to be hashed out. All life and death matters.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Honnoring my son for Memorial day.

We were so happy to have a baby at last. He had a lot of curly blond hair when he was born ,but as you can see it quickly disappeared and I soon found he had inherited my father's unmanageable hair. Daddy was so meticulous about his, he must have combed twenty times a day. This was not in his nature at all. He often looked like a wild boy. He was colicky the first few months and I thought I would not survive this.His dad was driving truck but when he got home after very little sleep, I would meet him at the door and say "Take this kid." Terry was small so would fit in his large hand and he sat up in bed sleeping but still tittering the baby. It was a sight to behold. I would try to grab a few winks while I good. This eventually passed and we actually started to enjoy him.
The second picture is he and Michale,. Flora and Darwins baby. We had all been waiting for a long time for this happy event. Flora had miscarriages and I couldn't get pregnant. When we finally got the little darlings we could spend hours just admiring them. They were so cute and extra smart we felt.

We were living out to the radio station west of Cedar City. When Terry was just over two I was mowing the lawn and suddenly missed him. Talk about a panic. I jumped in the car and went down the road after screaming and running around frantically. About a half mile down the road. I see my precious baby pulling his little red wagon. I asked him where he was going. He said" Going to town". He had a pair of clean overalls and his teddy bear in the wagon. All the important things. I was so grateful there was no traffic on that road at that time. This was portent of things to come. Terry was always on the go and hard to keep track of. he was fearless which didn't help my nerves. Driving wildly, climbing ledges, and riding in Boulder rodeos when he had virtually no practice.

I'll try to post a picture of Terry with our dog Tux. The dog had chosen Terry as a favorite and he knew what he was doing. Terry was very tender with all creatures all his life. One time Tux had to have a tick removed from his ear and as he started coming out of the anesthetic he was flopping around as animals seem to do. Terry sat up all night holding his head so he wouldn't hurt himself. When Terry went to Escalante to school about a half hour before time for the bus to be at our house Tux would go out and sit waiting for it. He and Terry would be so happy to see each other,

Unfortunately it was about this time Terry began his painful journey of Alcoholism. Of course this became a bigger difficulty as he grew up and went in the service. He came home from the army with an Austrian wife and two darling little girls. It was a battle of wills from the beginning, and drinking added another very difficult element. It was a relief when the marriage finally ended. Terry loved his daughters with a passion and always tried to do the best he could by them. He taught himself all the elements of construction and got his license without having to attend a great deal of school. He taught himself all the computer programs needed for his work. It seemed his timing was always off, as far as making money even though he did beautiful work.As he got sicker and sicker, I tried everything I could think of to help him to quit drinking. It seemed three months was about his limit to stay sober.He was fun loving and attracted many women but this only seemed to add to his problems. He told me sometimes he felt he was hanging on by his fingernails.

I, of course felt we had been bad parents and done everything wrong. I was talking about this with Terry one time and he told me that his very best memories in life was all of us as a family sitting around the kitchen table making jokes and laughing really hard. Those Hall men were all witty. Randy said at Terry's demise that he had more fun than all the rest of us put together. He was right about that. It has been ten years since his life ended and it still feels painful, not only to me but his father and two brothers. As you think about it from my present perspective it seems his life was too short and surely too painful but we who loved him learned some great lessons from him. We remember his tenderness and his laughter.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I love my Kinle

The first book I down loaded was Dear John as I like Nicolis Sparks. It was so boring. Nothing ever happened. Then I bought "The Help" by Kathryn Stockinette and totally loved it. It is set in Mississippi in the sixties. That doesn not seem that long ago so it is hard to imagine that things were so bad just that many years ago. We have came a long ways. The writter was raised in a typical gentile white family with the mandatory colored maid. Except she wanted to be a writer,which her family just could not imagine. She worked constantly with notes, journals and a small local newspaper. She kept trying to get the right idea for a publisher in New York to show some interest. Finally she hits on the idea of interviewing the colored maids to see what it felt like to be one for all the white familys. Each one seemed to fall in love with the babies, and then of course would have to leave them. They were all very nervous about talking to her because they knew there would be repercussions, They were worried constantly about being fired and it was their lively hood. Kathryn did such a wonderful job of characterization that you feel you know each of these maids personally.(Made me feel I wished I could hire one.) In any event Kathrryn could not write the book while living in Mississippi. She eventually gets a job in New York and writes the book there. She claims it is fiction but still factual in most aspects. She refers to Martin Luther King and Megar Ever's murders as well as President Kennedy's association so it really takes the reader back to those days.

It reminded me of Trevor when he first went to school back in Illinois and they were talking about Martin Luther King. He immediately called me to see if I knew about that.When I said I did, he said, "Well, did you know how bad it was?" I told him I did and I felt a strong implication from him that if I did why didn't I fix it.

At any rate I highly recomend this book. If you haven't read it alread, rush to the library.She is so easy to read and the story flows seamlessly. That is the only bad thing about the Kindle you can't pass your good books along. I am VERY grateful for it though,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

This years flowers.

My house looks like a field of tulips. I have vases and vases of every color and it is very much like Spring and one more special Mother's day. Roses are usual my holiday gifts but this year Robert bought me tulips for valentine and I happened to mention to Lucinda how much I enjoyed them, so I got several dozens in mary lovely colors. It is quite inspiring to have your home filled with flowers that you feel were sent with love. My yard has great pink roses so I will pick a bouquet of them for contrast..Robert bought me a delicious lunch yesterday. and Larena and boys sent special cards. Laena's was beautiful. The sentiment especialy touching. I told her when she called she must have inherited a card picking gene from her father. Terry was always exceptionally good at finding the perfect card for the occasion. I love cards and calls the very best. I must say I like being honored on mother's day as it makes you feel you have done your job well.

Friday night I went to a chocalate and wine party with friends and it was a great atmosphere of celebration. Much laughter and delicious food.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Springtime is Company time

I love being able to see family. It lifts my spirits but makes me wish fervently for more energy to enjoy doing things with them. Monika has been here a couple of weeks and will be here until saturday. She is a joy to be around and I feel so proud of her for what she does in McCall Idaho. She is in charge of the city parks and supervises several employees. Shee just had her yearly evaluation and was rated as outstanding. It came with a raise so she is happy. She was already making $24. an hour which I think is outstanding for a girl without a college education who went off on her own when she was 17 to make a life for her self. She also has great people skills. Terry was very proud of her and told me she had taken McCall by storm. It is a lovely resort town and not too large as for as permanent residents. Her room mate came with her and has been helping Dave get new cabinets in Karin's house. I am happy to see her getting her house more livable.

Joyce and Ejner came for several days. They stay with his son but I have gone out to breakfast and done several hours visiting with them. My other niece Pat has been very ill in the hospital it Ogden and thoughtful Joyce has kept me informed of her progress (or lack there of) every single day. We went to the florist and picked out a beautiful azalea plant to send back for her. Gerry, the one Doc gave you inspired me to choose that. I have never thought of azaleas when sending anyone flowers. It reminds me of Noetic Science. They believe that everything we do changes the world. Sort of like the movie"The Butterfly effect." So you can tell Doc he started a new trend, and the azalea growers will thank him. I recently joined a group studying Noetic Science so I will blog about that when I learn more. anyway I really enjoyed Joyce and Ejers visit, even though I was running out of steam by yesterday. I still have another day to spend with Monika on Thursday. Then my Randy is coming on Saturday. I am always thrilled to see that boy. He is so wonderful to be around, and Colorado gets seeming far away now that I am not much up for travel anymore. Family is such a joy!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trevor's first romantic kiss.

My great grandson Trevor lived with me from the time he was two until five. I was seventy when he became my total responsibility. By the time he was five his mother had managed to get her life together and was able to take him. Unfortunately they had to move to Illinois so this was very heart wrenching for both Trevor and I. He was a joy and enriched my life a great deal, even if it was hard at my age. All of my family advised me not to do it, but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. It was the biggest leap of faith I had ever taken.During this time I took him every week to see his mom no matter where she was. Thus he loved her desperately and was thrilled when he could go live with her. She has become a wonderful mother to Trevor and his little brother Bryce.

Recently in school they were to write their story. This included who was their favorite people and why. Larena (his mother) read me this part on the phone last night and it really touched my heart. She was number one, of course. He said because she buys him so many things. She was not offeded at this but just glad to be number one. I told her he was probably so over whelmed with reasons that was all he could say.

Then he went on to list me as number two because he could always call me and talk about anything. He said I was very kind and I made him delicious devinty and when I cooked I always let him lick the spoon. Also that I taught him to play scrabble even though I always beat him when we played.

His Dad was number three because he supported him in all his sports. In the summer when he grilled they would toss the baseball around and sometimes they played catch with the football. Then "My dad works very hard to support our family." I hope when I grow up I will work hard and support my family.

Who knows what will impress a kid. i was pleased about his memories of me but the part that brought tears to my eyes was what he said about his dad. His hopes of being a good father couldn't have been a better closing line as for as I was concerned. Trevor has turned into quite the little writer which I am sure will bring him much joy in his life. Oh, how I love this little boy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Season of the Sun

My lilac bush is planted. I think it is going to like it's new home. It is cultivated to grow in the desert, so I hope the Phoenix sun is kind and doesn't burn it before it has a chance to thrive. Plant a lilac and you plant a memory. Mention a lilac to anyone who came from the cold country and either their mother or grandmother, had one growing by their front door. This shrub has grown for centuries in various places and has not needed too much attention to burst into beautiful blossom. Their frangrance provides a special treat for the nose and nostologic thought of days gone by. Perhaps it is loved by so many as it is a reminder that winter is over and spring has came once again to their home town.

When their bliiming season is done they fade quickly into obsscurity. For a generation raised to believe that beauty and youth go on forever, lilacs are a reminder of the brevity of both.

For me lilacs are reminesent of warm spring days we spent trying to see who could make the best leaf wistle. Daddy always made us whistles out of willows but they took way too much time and know how. We could grab a lilac leaf and if it didn't emit a loud clear sound it was easy to toss it and get another until we perfected the sound we liked. We had two large ones by the ranch house and one in Teasdale by the back porch. After my mother died we planted several at the cemetary by her grave. They lived with very little care but didn't get large enough to bloom. My grandparents grave had two larger plants that produced an occassional blossom. Lilacs are a lesson in patience. I planted one in Boulder and it never seemed to get any bigger. When I went back for Terry's memorial it had grown tall and was covered with fragrant blossoms. It was like seeing an old friend, who could make me forget my sorrow for a moment.

One of my best memories of Marilyn Griffin was when she invited me to come down to their house and pick lilacs. Nathella had planted them long ago. They were a high bred variety with a dark purple hue. They were lovely to look at but had no fragrance so I was a bit disappointed in them and felt the old fashioned kind were best.

Now I must await the growth on my special variety. I may not live long enough to see it bloom. but somebody will. That will be good and perhaps it can bring back good memories for the future people who pass by.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A clean sweep

Sunday I hosted the scrabble meet at my house. I thought I could not handle more than twelve at my house, considering my age and energy. Thirteen came anyway and there was a waiting list. Much better than having a party where nobody comes. This happened to my sister Viola one time and she was devastated. I think it was nothing more than coincidence, as she had many friends but the feelings of disappointment have stayed in my mind and the memory comes up now and then. I adored my sister and she always shared everything with me so it was as though this was happening to me also. But I digress. Sunday it happened that all the most formidable opponents in the scrabble club came to have fun competing at my house. There was tons of good food and 0plenty of room for all. I was a bit intimidated playing all this heavy duty scrabble devotees. However I picked my spot where the light was good and convinced myself I knew as many scrabble words as anyone and that my strategy improved since joining the club. The scrabble Gods were with me , and I won all my games with great scores. 442 was the highest but I was happy with that. The players stayed on and on after I quit . finally about eight I went to the bedroom and changed out of my tight jeans into a pair of colorful logging pants and reclined on my chaise. Someone said,"Oh I think she wan5ts us to go home now. I said, "Well yes, this is not a very subtle but I am tired." All those wins and entertaining, meeting and greeting had worn me right out, I had fun.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A rainy day adventure.

Yesterday Sandy, Mary Jane and I had planned a little outing to see Eljen's Apartment. Elgen had worked as a school councilor with both of them years ago. He retired and moved into a tiny apartment at Warren house fourteen years ago. I had met him but never been to his place of abode. sandy has often talked about he creative he as been and that his home is a place to behold in creativity. First of all since he was not allowed to put any screws or nails in the wall he started making free standing shelves and furniture from corks. (Yes common wine corks) They are a sight to behold and hold all of his life's treasures quite securly. They are glued together with with some sort of caulking that sticks to them but remains somewhat pliable. Then for the really amazing thig, he has about 50 plants of various kinds, living happily in this 340 ft. apartment space. They are a site to behold. At this time the Amaryillis are blooming profusly among all of the greenery. Every plant anyone has ever given him in his life lives here. He has one that is 25 years old and is still very happy. Each one has card written on it as to it's origin and a name. Yes, there is Bo, Samantha, Victoria and on and on than with more individuality than one could take in a tow or three hour visit. He talks to them and told us on a day when he doesn't feel good they know dad will get around to watering them as soon as he can and it will be before they die for sure. It is amazing to see what one can do who thinks out side the box, and has a different sort of imagination. He also has string art on display and his mother's wonderful quilts. Even with all of these things the place remains funcional for simple living. Oh yes all counter tops have lovely jig saw puzzles framed under glass. Al in all it is a sight to behold and a testament to how one can entertain themselves with a limited buget and not such good health. There obviously are no limits to where the creative mind can take one.

We also had a healthy lunch of fruit, and splashed our way home through the pouring rain. It felt like a small adventure right here in our city. I am inspired to go buy some Amayillis bulbs as I used to grow them when we lived in Cedar City and they are a colorful and interesting flower. I wish I had some blooming right now to set by my Xmas Cactus that Dixie sent me two years ago. It is in full bloom now, and very lovely. I think it just got a little bit mixed up as to when Cristmas was after it made the journey here from Tropic. Karin and Dave found me a lilac bush that has been cultivated for Phoenix. I will see how it goes. Perhaps if I give it a beautiful name it will prosper and grow. when we went to Boulder for Terry's memorial a bush I had planted when he was a toddler had grown quite tall and was covered with blossoms. Their frangrance is more heavenly then any blossom to my mind.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

An optical illusion

This is a picture taken by Richard Hansen and given to me long ago. I found it very interesting, as if you look at the dip in the center for a while it appears to come out like a bump instead of a dip. There were several metate stones found around the Boulder area and it was always exciting when you happened to run across one. I had a perfectly wonderful one sitting by my door step at the Boulder house, but it seemed to grow legs and walk away. I always wondered who would have the nerve to steal it from my very door step. I had a very good time when they were excavating the Anasazi ruins where the park is now. Whenever they found an intereting site Doyle Moosman would run down to tell me. I would drop whatever I was doing to go see. It was exciting but rather sad too. My most memorial one was when they found what the experts termed as an Indian Princess. I think this was because she had turquois stones around her neck and several pots burried with her. Also she was at the top of the mound. I have often speculated (as have many people) as to what could have happened to this whole tribe of ancient ones who seemed to have disappeared without leaving a clue as to whether they migrated or were all killed.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

More Nerve than Verve

On new Year's day I did a Marathon scrabble fest and I was pooped out. I've been dubbed the Grand Dame of Scrabble. I sort of liked it but suddenly came to the realization that out of fifty members in the club, I am the only old person. I decided it takes a lot of nerve for me to keep trekking off to these meets. It occurred to me also that all these people are highly educated and have held very powerful jobs,(or still do). I couldn't help but think of my total lack of higher education, and not only that I frittered away my time in High School as I was much more interested in boys than I was academics. I can hardly discuss my career in Real Estate as everyone immediately think, "Oh well everyone in Phoenix went into Real Estate when they couldn't make it any place else." How do I know that is what they are thinking? Because their eyes glaze over, and I quit telling my adventurous stories. One thing about it I know for sure I had more fun on the job than anyone there. Lucky lucky me. At any rate I can hold my own in the group as for as scrabble and everyone is very nice to me. It is harder to play an A game of late , with the event of fading eyesight, and flagging energy.

I still make good snacks though, The latest quite delicious fruit salad you should all try because it is so easy. Simply cut up four navel oranges and 2pts of strawberries. Make a dressing of 1/2 cup orange marmalade and 2 tbs lemon juice. That is IT. I usually keep a few berries cut in half to decorate the side of the bowl so it looks pretty ,It's a hit. No extra sugar so healthy. Other than what is in 1/2 cup marmalade. I tell myself that can't be much. Holidays are so much fun but lots of people tell me they are pooped out when they are over. At least when you are old you try to limit your events and know to come home and take a nap.

I hope 2010 brings the best of everything to all.