Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The nicest thing happened during the holidays.

During the holidays Karin (Terry's Ex) called me and started her conversation much as she always does. She checks on me regularly and still introduces me as her mother- in- law. Through the years I have came to accept that role with more grace than when Terry was married to her. It was such a traumatic marriage. Anyway I digress. About five minutes into the phone call Karin calmly says, "I won $50,000 on a scratch ticket yesterday. I got very excited and told her that was a life changing amount. I think my excitement was catching and she told me they had been planning what they would do. I was especially happy as Karin has worked as a waitress for more years than anyone can imagine enduring that job. When she and Terry were together she would quit for a few months then get another job, but since Dave I don't think she has taken a vacation. She certainly deserves this good fortune, but what are the odds?? Of course for me who buys a ticket about once a year they are zilch. I think it is Karin's one indulgence for herself.

She swears her friend Lenny helped her to get the right ticket. Talk about manipulation. Lenny has been dead several years now but when he was living he always rooted for her to win. She has won an inordinate amount of small amounts like a couple of hundred. Just before Xmas she won $300. She said," I told Lenny this was nice and I was grateful but to think BIG money." This made me laugh but I told her I thought this was big so thank the abundance angels and Lenny. I expect helping Karin win on lottery tickets is a side job for Lenny and he has an important day job which he probably shouldn't.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas and learning to use a Kindle

Christ first. It was very peaceful for me this year. I think because I didn't have to do a thing except show up on the right day. My friend Sandy planned and organized the whole thing. Christmas eve we drove to Sun City and collected a friend who had recently moved from his home to an assisted living apartment. He choose the Elephant Bar as his favorite dining place in the area and it was a good choice. The food was great and the company stimulating. We then went to the Church of Joy drive through lighting display where they claimed to have 59 million lights. I believed it. There were themes and it went on for several blocks. It was all for various charities around the valley so one could feel good about supporting them. There were many cars funneled into one lane but Roger drove us safely through without a scratch to anyone's car.

The next Morning we all went to the movies and saw "Complications. Meryl Strep was very charming of course and Alex Baldwin did a good job . The story line was a little too much like "Somethings Gotta Give" to call it a really good movie but I found it quite entertaining and relaxing. We then went to Sandy and Roger's house to feast on her famous Italian dishes and way to many deserts. I felt really stuffed and indulged.
Robert bought me one of those nice warm snuggies to use in the computer room where I am often cold. It is cozy indeed.

Next I tackled a look through at the new Kindle. Robert whipped through the basics with me but patience is not his long suit. He can't seem to allow for the fact that my eyesight is dim, making everything more difficult (That's why I got a Kindle for heaven sakes.) Also my brain does not work as fast and efficiently as it used to,@#!&^^( Swear words and whining here) Probably I will find it much more user friendly than one would think at first glance. Amazon claims it to be their best seller of any product this year. Any way I hope everyone felt as peaceful and relaxed as I did this year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The stockings are hung , the mantle and tables decorated and the Kindle is ordered. (A gift to LaRena from LaRena.) I rather agonized over this purchase as I have enjoyed our book exchanges and all the really good books that have been given to me, so very much. However my reading goes very slow nowadays as I can only do a bit at a time and it is very frustrating. I'm hoping with the Kindle I can return to my usual speed and comfort while reading. It sounds pretty magical, but I am sure I am in for another learning curve, getting use to it. I'm pretty excited about all the possibilities.

Yesterday Monika wanted me to watch her blowing snow and such on their city webcam. Once connected I had a very good time seeing her winter wanderland in McCall Idaho. Everything looked like the best of live Xmas cards. I had only been there in the summertime so it was a whole different experience. It is a very lovely resort town with it's own lake in the middle of it. Monika, (my grand daughter) is the city park manager so she works about as hard in winter keeping everything up and running as she does in summer. She loves it there though and all the people in town sing her praises, so I would say she has done very well. Terry was so proud of her accomplishments. Larena just got a new job closer to home and with a pay raise so she has done well too. Her present employer acted as though they couldn't stand to lose her, but they couldn't offer her anything better than the new place and it will cut down a lot of driving, so I am happy about that.

I got lucky at the scrabble party Sunday and managed to win all but one of my games and it was tied most of the way through. There are tough competiters their so I have to be on my toes. Today I am busy with a little housewrk. As if you know there are many choores at Xmas time and I must admit I don't get nearly everything done I want to. I hope everyone has a great Holiday out in Blogger land.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Birthday Bash

I decided not to wait for friends to e-mail me pictures of parties or I will be eighty one before I get out another blog. I've really milked this birthday all month. This being eighty if not so bad. Of course Dec. birthdays are always hard for everyone as they are so busy with Xmas. Still I think there was a realization of the passing of time, as I got stacks of cards and phone calls. Then Lisa had a party for me that was like a Hollywood production. She had her house decorated for Xmas and did a beautiful creative table. I came home loading with gifts. The next day Robert brought me a bouquet of tulips. They were red and opened up so pretty. In all my years I have never received tulips and and didn't realize what a lovely cut flower they can be.

The next day Joyce and Ejner came from Salt Lake and took me to lunch. They brought two dozen red roses and more dishes. My cupboards are stuffed as I love pretty dishes. It is an entertainment set. Guess she has forgot I don't entertain as much as I used to. Hardly at all in fact. Still the set made me happy. Following that day Sandy and Mary Jane had a fancy breakfast for me. Last night Sonney and Bill had a combo, birthday and Christmas party with all the friends I used to work with , so you see I didn't lack for attention. Oh yes Randy and Lucinda bought me a special pair of shoes that worked well with my bunion and crooked toes. It was a darn good thing as I got out all my fancy shoes I usually wear with Christmas finery and couldn't walk in any of them. I would have had to go bare foot or in house shoes. Anyway you can see I got enough attention. Still all the wishes on the family site made me happy. Oh yes and Sandy bought me a Susan Boyle tape that is very beautiful.

Well, there is a down side to being eighty alwso. can't tell if your make up and hair look okay and jewlry is hard to put on, to say nothing of panty hose. Still I am blessed

My Ex Husband sent me a clever card, saying "Where did our youth go?" Punch line inside "I don't know I can't even find my dentures." Frtunately for him he desn't were the pesky things. It is still fun to have a Birthday and I feel appreciated. Eighty does seem much older than sixty nine though.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ah, shucks

I tried to get the image right on my last blog and it turned out to be a dud. I didn't know how to fix my silly header but please click on the photo to see how pretty this really is. I have high hopes of improving my skills in 2010. I wonder if Santa has a package in his bag called, Bogging skills for dummies.

The legend of the humming bird.

The legends say the humming bird floats free of time. carrying our hopes for love joy and celebration. The Humming bird's delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, there is beauty every where. Every personal connection has meaning, and that laughter is life's sweetest creation.
As you get older the holidays are such a mixed blessing. There are so many touching contacts and fun things to do. Each day I think of all the wonderful people who have passed through my life(most are still connected) and I think of some little thing I would like to do for them to show my appreciation for how very much each one has enriched my life. My limited sight and energy just doesn't allow me to get everything done. Still for all who happen to see the message of the humming bird I wish love, joy, the beauty of the holidays, and most of all laughter, life's sweetest creation.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Feelings of Christmas

It seems I always have to go through a certain amount of melancholy feelings before I can really feel the joy and fun of the Xmas season. The above picture is a Xmas card from Germany. I feel sad to think of the Xmases Terry missed while he was stationed there. His experiences there changed his life forever. In fact all of our lives. Worse is the happy Xmases he has missed by dieing young. My sister Melba, who was living with me died the day after Christmas. I think these losses sometimes hover around near the holidays. This is not to say we haven't had many happy times at the holidays. Friends have Christmas parties and kindly invite me. I can laugh and enjoy the Xmas spirit after a while. The best of times are when there are children around to be surprised and thrilled. I have enjoyed many of those great family times. My heart fills with gratitude as I think of those times.

Cheryl talking of cutting a total ly fresh tree, and the glow of her red lights on the Boulder Creek brought back happy holidays in Boulder, and some regrets of how I have choosen to live my life. Nothing is better than to take three little boys to the mountains to find the perfect tree. When LeFair and I were first married we went up by Hell's Back Bone and found the most perfect blue spruce tree I have ever seen. Before then or since. We didn't have electricity in Salt Gultch at that time so we decorated with really fancy balls and tincel.

Now that I don't get out as much to the stores to find the special gifts I mostly send money and everyone has to find what their heart desires the most. This is not so much fun. Chistmas time in the city is definately different than the country. Where I live I'm in a nice neighborhood but feel I'm neither in the heart of the city or in the country. (Although we do have many quail and the not so welcome rabbits come to visit. Frequently a cayote will wander into our yard.) Writin g and recieving cards is still fun and I make my traditional goodies. I'm an expert with fudge and pop corn balls.

Terry loved Christmas and even though we always teased him about waiting to shop until Xmas eve, he could come up with the most thoughtful gifts of all. I hope his spirits is visiting his little Grandsons in Illinois since they can't be with us this year.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Family, fun, Thanks, And of course great food.

My only grandson, Mason (shown above) came to spend time with me on Wednesday and I loved every minute of it. He is a sweetheart. Warm, generous and smart. Of course this is speaking from a grandma's point of view. Right now he is going through a rough time as his maternal grandfather is about making his passing to the next world. Mason has been so incredibly close to his grandfather he could hardly take time for anyone else so it was a real treat for me. He whipped right through some changes he thought would make things better on the computer. He is very savvy with electronics. When he was about 8 he would go into his dad's office and get all the computers they had given up on, take them apart and make them work. He said his Dad can program any of the very best computers ever built but he likes to depend on Mason to do all the ordinary things. After my lesson in electronics he took down a curtain rod for me, took my car off to be washed and filled with gas, and any little chores he could see I might need. It was a treat. He had came to play scrabble with me and I told him he didn't need to put himself through that but he insisted he wanted to play so at last there was something I could teach him. We spent a lot of time talking about Terry as he had only known him during his worst times with alcohol. Still he liked him very much so I told him all sorts of stories and I know Terry would be pleased to have Randy's son so interested in him. He loved hearing all about Boulder and the three boys growing up there. I would say this visit was the highlight of my Thanksgiving holiday.

Thursday I went over to Rog and Sandy's house for the typical turkey dinner topped with pumkin pie. There I had fun visiting with friends and came home for a nap. Soon Karin's Dave and Mici came by bringing an entire dinner. I had brought lots of left overs from Sandy's house,so our refrigerator is stuffed as well as our stomacks.

One always reminice a bit about Thanksgivings past. I rarely got to my famiolies get togethers but LeFair's sister Dixie always managed to get the Hall family together, either at her house or ours. I remember feeling very intimidated the first one at our house with twenty peole buty with LeFair's help we amanage and it turned out well. Now-a days my cooking is very limited. I did manage an especially good fruit salad though. This seems to be what grandmas manage best in their declining years. Once you get all the wonderful ingredients gathered up you can hardly go wrong with a fruit salad. It is really quite delightful to have88 degree weather for Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank God for Airbags.

Larena just called me to talk about having an accident today, strong enough to deploy the airbags. Only she and Trevor were in the car and neither were hurt. Trevor did have a headache but she thinks it is from being hit by the airbags. The car is totaled but they do have insurance. I'm so grateful neither one of them were hurt ,but I can tell she is pretty shook up. I have worried about her as they are on the go all the time, running to work a half hour away and taking the boys to or from sports.

I worried about her after visiting as sometimes she seemed so distracted. Of course this sort of thing can happen to anyone at any time. The van in front of her stopped unexpectedly and she didn't even see her brake lights. She drives a smallish car like mine. In fact it is an Altima the same color. Both Brian and I have cautioned her about wearing a seat belt. She is like her dad (and mom) very stubborn when she makes up her mind about something. I thought for sure the bad accident she was in here would make a believer about seat belts for her but that didn't happen. She is very concientious about the boys being buckled up so it is not that she doesn't believe in them. Maybe she gets claustraphobic. I suspect more that is a feeling of wanting to live on the edge a bit. I just wanted to hug her and the boys. Thank goodness Brian is so supportive. we can never take life for granted.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Home owner assoiatiosn.

Oh these HOA's can get ugly. Our present board members decided to spend $35,000 to rezone some lots along Aire Libra. It was voted in 2005 to sell two lots. The market was at the top then. Now suddenly it has become 25 lots which incorporates a grassy spot behind the tennis court. Naturally severl home owers are upset about this but the board of five members plans to go forth. The market is at an all time low so this alone makes it seem a dumb idea. Any money gained cannot be distributed to home owners as it is a non profit organization. All against it now has hired a lawyer to help. I made a small contribution to the fund. It is not that I care so much about the park at this juncture of life but I do feel strongly that there is some nefarious activity among the board members and this is just wrong. Therefore I must rally behind those who have the energy to fight for right. Greentrails is now at war.

Friday, November 6, 2009

One pretty girl!!

One of the most beautiful girls in our family is my sister Beaulah's daughter Diana Joyce. This picture is a couple of years old but she looks the same. Would you believe she is 66? When Joyce's mother died very young Joyce was devastated . They had been the best of buddies,and loved each other so deeply. It was such a shocking blow, for Joyce as well as the rest of the family. Joyce helped her father and brothers with cooking and house keeping, whenever she was not in school. As soon as she graduated from colledge she went to Germany to teach school. She made the very most of this experience.

My friend Fran and I took our first trip together to Germany to visit Joyce and see my son Terry, who was in the service. It eased my heart to see him even though he couldn't spend a great deal of time with us. Joyce made up for this lack by taking us into her home and cooking fantastic meals for us. She took us sight seeing to all the little villages, through Boveria and into Vienna on the border of Austria. It was wonderful as we were not experienced travelers and Joyce knew all the most lovely places to show us. We had such a great time.

It was there that my mind turned to thinking more about reincarnation. We took a small cruise on Konasea lake. As we were leaving the shore I looked back and to my surprise here was this perfect image of cottages and water that had been in my dreams. I had dreamed of this exact place several times and always felt it was significant somehow. On the boat I was so struck I said, (rather loudly) That is my dream. I explained I had dereamed this for years.

When we went to Burgus Gaden (Hitler's Crow's Nest) I got up at 5:00 a..m. one morning and went for a walk. It was so beaautiful high above the valley, I took time to meditate. I was so struck to think someone could actually be in a place that looked like that and plan such destrution.

When Joyce was through with Germany, I suggested she come to Phoenix to live. Truth be told I wanted her comany. She did, and taught school many years here. She met Ejner, the perfect husband for her. They now just completed a lovely large home in Huntsfille, Utah. She is over joyed with her surroundings and to be only fifty miles from Bountiful where she grew up.

Joyce is pretty on the inside as well as the outside. She has one of the most loving and thoughtfuls spirits a lady could have. As Thanksgiving approaches I think of how she has enriched my life and am thankful for lovely her.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wedding at the quaint little church on the corner.

When I first moved to Phoenix, Gary and Candy were being married at a small church on the corner of Sandra Terrace and Cave Creek road. This was only about a block from me house and I was happy that I had been invited to dear Gary's wedding. Then I realized I didn't anything even remotely appropriate for a wedding. In those days I couldn't just run to Macy's and pick something up. Sweet ,generous Ann said," Oh it is no problem, I'm sure we can whip something up. I think I even have some fabric that will work." She indeed managed to do what to me would have been a huge task. I wasn't exactly used to wearing large printed gowns but I loved what she did. I understand she is still very creative about 'whipping up' a costume or a dress for a grand daughter in need. I thought it was a very touching gesture. Incidentally the wedding was beautiful and it was a happy day. Wasn't I lucky to have such friends to make my transition from the country to the city, from marriage to divorce as easy and interesting as possible?

The picture from left to right is
Ann(The heroine of this story, ) Margie, Me, LaRae, Linda and Gerry. I was raised in a family with five sisters so I was very happy to have a group of five sisters to adopt me.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thoughts on Gay Friends.

When I was in Colorado Lucinda was joking how she really needed a gay guy friend to help her decorate and buy the beautiful things only they can spot and appreciate properly.(She does a darn good job herself.) Randy hates that stuff so just goes along and pays for all the 'stuff'. It started me thinking about the fact that I have always had a gay friend that I enjoyed very much. I thought about how this could be, and why. When I became a Boulderite dear Richard kept me from being too bored and going crazy while husband was working twelve hours per day. We hiked, we played scrabble and he even tried to teach me to play piano although I'm sure he could tell from the beginning it was a hopeless task. His story telling ability made every happening in town down right funny. I tried to make friends with Kiven but that was in defence as I didn't want him to be seducing my boys. He was a good story teller too and of course all the kids in town were quite fascinated with that. The only fun I had with him was dancing. He was a good dancer.

Then in Phoenix I met Roger, the interior decorater for both Design Master and Excecutive Homes. I only saw him a couple of times per year when he came to decorate models, as he lived in Florida. He was so funny, he could crack anyone up. I loved funny. He wrote very funny letters to my friend Sonney which she shared with me. We of course would elaborate on what ever he said and laugh harder. For a few years after I retired I didn't have any gay friends. Then I joined a scrabble group and I'll be darned if there was not a very charming gay guy who is a champion scrabble player. I quickly made friends with him. Now in the Winter of my life I think the best thing about having a gay friend is that they love and respect old women. Let's hear it for these inveterate charmers.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Memorable Hallooweens

One year I wasn't planning to go to a Halloween party, then the last minute I did. I proceeded to do a costume in whatever I could find around the house. I did look scary. I went to the door for trick or treaters and they ran screaming down the street. When I got to the party I sat quietly for about an hour with my very best friends not able to figure out who I was. Finally I could stand it no longer since I am by nature a very gregareus liked Halloween much. gregarious person. Needless to say I won a prize and my friend Sonney sent me this picture for Xmas. I look at it and laugh every Halloween. Up until that time I had never liked Halloween much. When I was a kid it was apple fights and trying to tip people's outhouses over. One time an older boy decided we should go to the school principal's house. None of us knew what the trick was to be but him. When Mr Goobler opened the door he threw a big bunch of flour in his face. Lucky that he wore glasses, but I thought it was just MEAN and always felt quilty just being in the crowd.

When my niece Janice lived with me she wanted us to dress up and go to the disco at the Point of Veiw. Good sport that I am ,I let her prevaile. One of us was Martisa from the Adam's familuy and the other an alien. Mostly I remember wearing her thigh high boots that had 4inch heels. I could hardly stand much less walk or dance. It's funny I didn't breal m,y mecl before the night was over. That would have taken the shine off Janice's love for Halloween. She was always mopre excited about that holiday than most people are about Xmas. I could never figure out this quirk as she is a very shy and retiring person. Maybe being so creative with costumes and feeling like someone new and strange when she got all decked out brought out a plaayfulness hidden deep within her soul.I on the other hand just felt STRANGE.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The perfect trip

My Colorado kids had sent me a ticket to come visit them. I hadn't paid much attention to the details except for the days and airport times. When I got to the airport I had the nice surprise of finding it was a first class ticket. It was a beautiful day and we were flying at 45000 ft but still below the clouds so I could see the desert and mountains all the way. It was delightful. The Colorado Rockies were covered with snow and I didn't know I could be so happy to see snow covered peaks, as it had been a long time since I had been there when this was the case.

I was thrilled to see Randy and Lucinda waiting at the baggage claim. Randy sometimes can't bring himself to leave work if he is in the midst of a heavy duty project which is most of the time. At their home I was warmly greeted by my grandson, Mason, and the three dogs. Sydney who is old and very plump, Gus who is a gangly looking lab with a lame leg and my favorite Cadillac who is a smaller black lab and extremely sweet. They all acted like they still remembered me. Everyone then gave me the tour of their newly up dated home. It is beautiful with all the latest and greatest things on the market. This includes a tremendously relaxing steam room which I quickly stripped down and enjoyed for twenty minutes. In the meantime Lucinda had cooked what could only be termed a five star gourmet meal.

The next day I wanted to walk Pearl street which has been a tradition ever since they have livied in Colorado. Big fat snowflakes were falling so it looked just like a Cristmas card. Later Lucinda helped me shop at my favorite place of Coldwatert Creek. There I was able to find a couple of festive tops to wear for the holidays. We managed to sit around and do lots of talking. The atmosphere of their home is always very pleasant with candles galore, classical music and low fire burning in the fireplace. I hardly lifted a finger excet to make home made noodles one night for dinner. They have a new bread maker that is about ten times better than the ones we all dashed out to buy when they first came out. Therefore either Lucinda or Randy made a loaf of fresh crusty bread every day.

Our Mason was in good spirits, and teased us all about our excentric ways. It is a new generation of people coming on line. He is very smart and cute though, if I do say so, as his grandmother with a few biased opinons.

When I left it was another beautiful day, sunny and warm. I admit to having a few tears roll down my cheeks, knowing it was probably the last time I would be traveling to beautiful Boulder Colorado. They are having a huge snowstorm now and I was glad I slipped in and out before this happened. Haappy Halloween to all.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oh, those pesky rabits.

MY yard work becomes one big fat challenge. I was thinking about my bucket list and wanting to get this 45 ft. pine tree out of my yard, as the first thing I did. Normally I don't believe in killing tress, but this was such a big greedy sucker, it slurped up all the water nutrients and even the sunshine from my grass and flowers. Luck for me I found a great tree remover and he had it done in one day. I was ready to do the dance of joy when Robert told me they had broken the water line. This was not surprising as it had roots all over the place. Robert has been re-routing all the water and fixing sprinklers in spite of his aching back. My nature is to want everything done like YESTERDAY, so I went to my special nursery and the flowers were so beautiful I wanted to buy them all. I worked all day getting the beds looking beautiful. The next morning when we got up the loveliest flowers were all eaten and we had stems. Off I went to the nursery to buy repellent. So far so good. It's been two nights now and the rabbits have decided I am not going to put out another feast for them and all the ones they left are growing. It is to be hoped the bunnies get the message that these flowers are for ME. I'm taking a break and going to Colorado for a few days, then we will tackle winter grass. I can usually grow enough of that for me and the rabbits both. I'm sure Randy's and Lucinda's yards will be done to perfection so maybe I can enjoy them and not be so spastic about my own when I return.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Vultures are Hovering

I think it is very rude of them to not at least get in back of the grim reaper. But NO one is so brave as to come and set in the tree in the back yard. Rob watched him for a while then came for me to see him. They are not pretty. The grim reaper is probably a handsome dude by comparison.

Then I go to a birthday party last night and my friend Barbara tells me this nice little story about working in her garden and feels something on her back. She stands up and this lovely dove hops from her back to her shoulder. It was so unafraid it set their for about five minutes, before flying away. I hardly dared tell my vulture story after that. Oh well I am in the winter of life, and something new and different is bound to be hovering. If anyone else sees a vulture in their yard let me know.

Friday, October 9, 2009

street Gangs in Helena Montana

Wouldn't it be nice if this was the only types of gangs we had in Phoenix? It seems like almost every morning on the news there has been a shooting or stabbing. Some are related to drugs, alcohol and domestic violence. Most can be traced back to some sort of gang connection. It is sad to see a lovely city that we have all enjoyed so much getting more and more crime.

I love elk. Can't understand how anyone can think it is fun to shoot and eat them.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My cute neices

Being the youngest of six girls in my family I always had the fun and security of having five great sisters to depend on. As we got older and they started to leave the earth I felt quite devastated. Then there was only Melba and Alice left. I didn't think either took really good care of themselves and I worried. One day I was in a real rant to Alice. I said," if you and Melba die, I will be SO mad at you. I don't want to be left in the world without sisters to always get my back." She replied,"You know I am leaving several great daughters to you." She did do that and I have been eternally grateful for their love and support. They are exception people.

The picture from left to right, back row is Connie, Gail, Cute Sherri , Karel and Janice front center.

I'm sorry Joyce and Pat were not in this photo. Joyce is most thoughtful for calling and inviting me to come visit her. She plans it all out. Patricia is the jokester of our family and has provided much laughter. Gail is the one who always comes to see me no matter what is happening in her own life. Karel calls and talks gently about everyone and everything. Janice and Sherri are just my enthusiastic loving fans. I have had visits from all and always feel they enrich my life so very much.

The above picture always makes me smile as Gail had them all come to her house in Sacramento. Then then went to San Francisco to see the sights and spend some special time. Gail being how she is, had reservations for this and that. Schedules for Bart down to the minute. The other girls were sort of strolling around shopping and enjoying each others company. Gail trying to keep them on time for reservations said to me,"it was about like herding feathers" Id find one and loose another but we had a wonderful time together and I would do it all over.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Power on stalls are scary.

After my divorce I dated Bill Pratt for sometime. He was a motorcycle racers. A departure from the cowboys I was used to. Still, he was very witty and anyone that could make me laugh was in like Flin.Best of all he was gone all week and only came to his home in Phoenix for the week-ends. This suited me very well as I was working hard and trying to keep an eye on my teen age boys.

Bill suggested one day that we should take flying lessons. This had been a vague dream in my mind for years so I quickly agreed. We soon were off to Paradise flight school. A hanger and a pot hole filled airstrip behind the race track. Of course we both thought we were too smart to need the weeks os ground school so red the manual and jumped right in. Bill soloed after five hours with an instructor. It took me more like thirty five. I was not a natural but I had determination on my side. On the hill by the airstip there were two green water tanks. That was where you cut power and started your turn to land. We had many good laughs about how we would never be able to land if we were where there were no water tanks. This was not true of him as he went on to be a commercial pilot where as I was so glad when my solo flight was over and the certificate in my hand I never cared to ride in a Cessna again.

The day I soloed I went way out in the desert and tried a power off stall. That was okay so I thought I would do the power on stall. That scared me plenty as I came out of it disoriented and couldn't find the horizon for a few minutes, which seemed much longer. Then I hear 409er, 409er come back to the field. I went gladly and the instructor sighed as loud as I did when my feet hit the ground. She said,"You weren't supposed to go so far or do so much your first time up." The custom was to write your name on your panties and post on the bulletin board with all the men's shirt tails. Many more men than woman flying those rickety old cessions at that time.

Anyway I got thinking about Bill and decided to post a small poem I wrote in his honor. It was published in a small slick poetry book being done at Scottsdale at the time. (Chimera)

Some men share riches, wine or flowers.
You shared a desert night,
A million stars.
Memories of times past,
Dust smells.
The sound of small animals, thing about making love.
A warm belly
A hot passion,
A gentle kiss for goodbye.

LaRena Hall, Phoenix Arizona

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

LeFaair's Art Work

When LeFair heard that Trevor and Bryce were coming for the 4th of July he went to his shop and got out the welder and built a little car for them to ride in the parade. Time was running out so he didn't get the motor working so had to pull it behind the ole international pickup, but the had fun. It took me back to when he built a little car , with motor, for Randy and Robert as little boys to travel about town. Benefits of a small town. It was really small then and hardly any traffic. Next he built a dune buggy for Terry and Wendal who were older. LeFair was quite the mechanic and I was incredably impressed with his patience when he fixed something. He kept a lot of old cars, tracters and such working for everyone in town. He was not nearly as patient with cows and horses so instead of a great rancher, he grew things and fixed things.

I remember one time Nathella Griffin had stalled out right at the top of the Boulder mountain. (15 miles away) She got a ride to town and called on LeFair to go get the car running. Off they went but when they got there Nathella realized she had forgotten her keys. Back to town they came for the keys. When they returned to the mountain he soon diagnoed the problem and fixed the car. Less time fiximng than traveling back and forth. He was not the least bit disgruntled and was glad to help. He was such a nice man, it's too bad we had to part. Now his eyes are too dim to safely operate the welder. He still grows beautiful grass though and has the most manucured lot in town.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Glamour days

At the height of my career as a new home sales person, every year they had the MAMES . Stands for "Major Achievement in Marketing Excellence" It was quite the elegant affair. Each year my friend Sonney shopped for the perfect dress and always looked like one of the most beautiful movie stars on Oscar night. I on the other hand, was much more unconcerned and looked some what mediocre. The year of the picture above my niece Janice was in town and insisted we SHOP. The dress was prettier than it looks here as it had a waistline of sequins and pearls. Janice of course insisted it deserved the correct earrings. Off we went to Zia Gallery. I wasn't used to spending $75. for a pair of costume jewelry earrings but I quickly adjusted. They did have a lot of bling under the lights. My date was the above sweet Bruce Evens and he was properly appreciative.

I knew I had sold a lot of Real Estate that year but hardly expected to be called to the stage with the million dollar producers. I was nervous but thought it was fun too. (My moment of Fame.)

Incidentally the earrings were very heavy and I only wore them that one night, still I could blame them for my ears growing longer. I have found lately that is a result of growing old, but I'll never forget the day I looked in the mirror and noticed my big ears. I was so shocked, and thought how in the heck did those ears get on my head. Oh well it makes us appreciate our days of glory as we observe our selves in our declining years.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Scrabble, the game of the year,

From top to bottom.Lisa and LaRena, wearing the Bronze.Ginna and LaRena . LaRena waiting for a game. Deg, The grand champ of the entire meet. I spread the word "He can be beat" so he put a transfer on his tee shirt saying that. He of course had to have the last word, so he put on the back "But not by you.Last is Jenny and I at a Prescott tournament. where I actually beat her. She was the queen of their tournament for 6 years. Lisa nor I could never take the gold. We're much better players now but didn't attend this summer because my Trevor was visiting me.

I met Deg the first meetup I ever attended. His reputation had gone before him. It was a small gathering and I felt the reluctance of all to play Deg. Intimidation prevailed., but silly me said, "I will tackle him.(Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.) Of course he trounced me good and I learned I was a very mediocre player.

Still I felt so lucky as I had picked the club at random from the internet, and what a wonderful group of people. Ginna, the scrabbleDiva who organized the club is such a gem. She welcomes and helps new members with word lists. Anna and Chriss came that day and they are just super special people. It couldn't be better. When I told the people I always associate with that I had joined a scrabble club, they said, " Oh that is a good way to make new friends" I replied that I didn't want any more friends as I was having a hard time keeping up with the ones I already had. Of course I soon made several fabulous new friends. Some days are enchanted. Deg graciously invited me to play him on line. I was intimidated but went for it. He has taught me so much. I now think strategy as well as luck and skill. As Deg puts it I have ramped up my game.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Friend Susan

We served hambuns and apple pie together
In a small dinner in Scottsdale
She became my first new Phoenix friend.
We both knew we would eventually find our passion.
Mine found me first. A work I could love.

Susan worked at many difficult jobs ,
to support her three children.
Susan the stalwart,
Susan the witty and brave.
One day her passion became so insistent,
she could no longer resist it.

She sold her house,and bought a pickup.
I doubted her ability to drive the big thing.
Behind it she pulled a trailer containing all her treasures.
The cameras, the tripods and a dark room.
She was not deterred.

She set off across the country to the East,
Where all the beautiful horses grazed.
She became quite famous as the horse
Photographer to hire. The owners
Loved her and so did the horse magazines.

Yesterday I visited her in the hospital,
where she is fighting a virulent leukemia.
She speaks of death as a mighty river
where energy goes in and goes out.
She thinks she might make it until Springtime.

She laughs with her daughters and plans
a trip to Spain to hold her new grand daughter,
And kiss the little boy, She'll talk to her son.
Ah Susan ,Springtime seems so soon
Don't go until you have to.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

LaRena Hiking

When I was young, and full of energy and enthusiasm one of the most entertaining things I could do was take a challenging hike. I had an even younger friend who loved to challenge me. He took me to the top of the Sugar loaf in our hometown of Boulder. The last thing you had to do was jump over a rather wide crevice. I was terrified. The view from the top was fantastic but I couldn't relax as I was worried about how to get back down without doing that jump. My friend said,"Well you can go down the face if you want" I took that option and that was no picnic either. I slide on my fanny most of the way.

Next big challenge was too climb to the top of Angel's landing in Zion's National Park. I was About half way up I was sure I couldn't make it. Friend kept saying "Oh it is just a little bit further. We finally reached the top. IT WAS MAGNIFICENT. I would recomend that climb to anyone with a bit of stamina.

When I was a child we were allowed to climb the knolls and ledges to our hearts content. My sister was a daredevil where I was a physical coward. One day she fell among the rolks from the top of the white pik. I had to watch her tumble clear to the bottom. She sat up so I knew she would live but she was bloody and scraped from head to toe. I had night mares about that for years.

To end my career as a hiker at age 76 I wanted to hike to my favorite spot of Calf Creek Falls. I actually did with other famil members making sure nothing serious happed to me. It is six miles (3 up and 3 back) sort of up and down, not flat. I was so gald to have the memory of that day. Now my hiking boots sit in the closet gathering dust but thrill still remains in my heart.